¡¡¡¡On May 8th, 2022, No. 8 French Major Doctoral Students Forum of National Colleges was successfully held online, jointly hosted by the Chinese Association for the Study of French Language Teaching and the Department of French of SISU. The theme of the forum was ¡°International Cooperation: In Search of a Common Future for Humanity¡±. The thesis of Wang Wanyuan, an ECNU PhD student of the Department of French, entitled ¡°The French translation of modern Chinese literature by French scholars in the Republican period: the example of Xu Zhongnian¡± won the second prize.
¡¡¡¡This paper, supervised by Professor Yuan Xiaoyi, focuses on Xu Zhongnian's multiple intercultural identities and presents the differences and similarities between Xu Zhongnian and other Chinese translators in terms of translation motives, selection of materials and translation theories, as well as the unique perspective he provides for the entry of new Chinese literature into the world literary space, with the help of the theoretical consideration of ¡°translator subjectivity¡± in translation studies.
¡¡¡¡In recent years, the French Department¡¯s master and doctoral students of ECNU¡¯s School of Foreign Languages have actively participated in this forum and won many awards, which demonstrates the solid linguistic foundation of the French students, their diversified knowledge and the steady improvement of the overall teaching and research strength of the French Department.